[LUG]48 yr old single woman needs sex

Sharon sharonshould2u22@yahoo.com
Wed, 21 May 03 07:39:32 GMT

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Hey there sweetie! 

How are you? I'm having a great time searching for men of all sizes, shape=
s, and colors! I see you're interested, and I'd like to let you know a lit=
tle more about me......

I'm 48, very very sexy, I love to have a good time, and I'm not interested=
 in a serious relationship, unless of course we seem to hit it off right a=
way. All I'm really interested in is a fun date with a good guy who will g=
ive me a little respect, and then get nasty with me in the bedroom. 

Is that too much to ask? I surely don't think so. If you think you might b=
e interested, feel free to check out my site.   These are my personal pict=
ures, you won't find them anywhere else.  My personal e-mail and contact i=
nfo is also there.


There's a lot more info about me there, some great pictures, and this is a=
lso the best way to get ahold of me. So check me out and see what you thin=
k, hopefully you'll be interested! I'LL MAKE IT WORTH YOUR TIME!

Have a great

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48 yr old single woman needs sex                   disaccharidelm ka ui pvz ry cxbkglvqon
